Как написанно на основной странице места.Check out this town and church here: en.wikipedia.org/wik.../Cathedra...
This large church is located in Richmond Hill Ontario. A local told me that the founder died and passed it along to his daughter that decided not to finish it, so it sits vacant and unfinished.
Cathedraltown (Census Tract Number 5350403.03; Population est. 3,000)[1] is a 200-acre town in the city of Markham, Ontario, Canada, located at Major Mackenzie Drive and Highway 404. The community gains its name Cathedraltown because it is landmarked by the abandoned Cathedral of the Transfiguration.
The community is divided into two parts. The part east of Woodbine Avenue is centered on Hazelton Avenue. This part of the community existed first before the newer part west of Woodbine Avenue. The community west of Woodbine Avenue is the heart of the community as it is centred on the Cathedral.
One of the main developers of the Cathedraltown neighbourhood is Monarch (a Taylor Woodrow subsidiary in Canada). They have built most of the homes in this neighbourhood, with the first and second phases already completed. The condominium complex (composed of towers and townhomes) located within this community also began in 2012.
Дата публикации - 2015-06-07. Появление на сайте - 2016-05-17
Собор Преображения Господня — недействующее в настоящее время церковное здание в Маркеме (часть Большого Торонто). Канонически относится к Епархии святых Кирилла и Мефодия Словацкой грекокатолической церкви.ru.wikipedia.org/wik...ажения_(Маркем)
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