Как написанно на основной странице места.The Capital of the Slovak Republic Bratislava, also referred to as the Beauty on the Danube can not only boast interesting history but it also is the centre of the most dynamically developing region of central Europe at present.
Slovakia is after Austria the second country in the middle Europe with the largest amount of forests? Almost 40% of its territory is covered by forest, while in Austria it is only 6% more.
Bratislava and Vienna are two closest located capitals in Europe. There is only less than 60 km between them. According to some sources, the European geographical central point is considered to be near the roman-catholic church of St. John the Baptist above the village of Kremnické Bane.
Slovakia has many winter resorts with beautiful natural views. Downhill skiers, snowboarders, free ride and free skiing devotees, ski-mountaineers, cross-country skiers but also little beginners in ski kindergartens can have their field day. If you cannot ski - it doesn´t matter - you can go sledging, try winter hiking, bobsled tracks or just frolic with children in snow. It is never late to begin.
Slovakia Tourism website http://www.slovakia.travel
Unravel Travel TV http://www.unraveltravel.eu
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Unravel Travel TV on You Tube www.youtube.com/Unra...UnravelTravelTV
Дата публикации - 2012-01-28. Появление на сайте - 2016-03-29
Словацкая Республика – государство, расположенное в Центральной части Европы. Ее площадь составляет приблизительно 48 тыс. км. кв., здесь проживают более 5 миллионов человек. Столица государства находится в городе Братислава, разговаривают здесь на словацком языке, денежная единица - евро. Большая часть верующих страны причисляет себя к католикам. Заселение территорий сегодняшней Словакии славянами началось приблизительно в V в., когда происходило Великое переселение народов. В VII в. Словакия являлась ча
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