Как написанно на основной странице места.The Budhanilkantha statue of the Hindu god Vishnu, located approximately 10 kilometers from the center of Kathmandu at the base of the Shivapuri Hill, is the largest and most beautiful stone carving in all of Nepal. It is also the most enigmatic.
Carved from a single block of black basalt stone of unknown origin, the Budhanilkantha statue is 5 meters in length and it lies in a reclining position inside a recessed tank of water (representing the cosmic sea) that is 13 meters in length. Called the Sleeping Vishnu, or Jalakshayan Narayan, the statue depicts the deity reclining on the twisting coils of the cosmic serpent Shesha (Shesha is the eternal, multi-headed king of the serpent deities known as Nagas, and also is the servant of Vishnu). Vishnu’s legs are crossed and the eleven heads of Shesha cradle his head. Vishnu’s four hands hold objects that are symbols of his divine qualities: a chakra or disc (representing the mind), a conch-shell (the four elements), a lotus flower (the moving universe) and the club (primeval knowledge).
Дата публикации - 2014-12-29. Появление на сайте - 2017-01-04
Буданилкантха (Буранилакантха, Храм Нараян, Narayanthan, Old Blue Throat) — неварский храмовый комплекс в долине Катманду в Непале, 10 км к северу от Катманду, посвящённый Нараяну.Нараян — это образ лежащего в пруде Вишну, от которого произошёл весь мир. Этот Нараян был обнаружен в VII—VII веках. Сюда съезжаются многочисленные паломники.ru.wikipedia.org/wik.../Буданилкантхаde.wikipedia.org/wik.../Budhanilkantha
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